Friday, November 18, 2011


With winter and freezing temps, raising baby bunnies can be somewhat difficult.  I'm in the middle of a bad streak, I've lost quite a few babies recently due to them getting chilled.

LOV Bug had a litter of 4 babies sired by Mac Miller....2 of her babies wandered out of the nest at 2 weeks old and froze.  The remaining 2 are doing okay so far.

Kelly had a litter of 2 that got chilled, they werent covered with enough fur when she made the nest.

One of Brendan's Nethies, E4 had 2 kits.  One baby wandered out of the nest at around 2 weeks old and froze.

Another Nethie doe, Ferrari finally had a live litter.  She had been bred several times and most of the time she didnt take.  We were so excited to finally get babies out of her, but I went out this morning to find both babies had gotten chilled and died.

I am trying my best to keep the odds in my favor, by insulating nestboxes with cardboard, plucking extra fur from Does and covering the babies, turning on a heater but its still a little chilly in the barn :/

 Winter has barely begun but I am so ready for it to be over!  I will be glad when Spring rolls around! lol

Monday, November 7, 2011

Skippy John's photo shoot

Well, I picked Skippy John up from Lory-Ann's house Friday, he is adjusting well and doing great.  I absolutely LOVE this little buck ♥
Thank you Debra Sandoval from Brocks Fallen Ear's Rabbitry in CA for such a gorgeous buck & thank you Lory-Ann for transporting him back to NC for me  :)

Today we did a photo shoot, man does this buck love to pose! ♥
Here are some of the pics, enjoy!  :)