Back in 1991, I got my first pet bunny when I was 18 years old. On the way to an orthodontic appointment, my boyfriend-(Mark, who is now my husband) & I were running a little early so we decided to stop by the mall and walk around. We went into the pet store....thats when I saw a glass case full of lop ear bunnies, it was love at first sight! We couldn't stay long, so we left the mall empty handed. But all I could think about were those cute little bunnies, I begged and begged my boyfriend to take me back to the mall so we could buy me a bunny, I just had to have one! I picked out a broken chinchilla mini lop doe-at the time we didnt know if it was a boy or a girl so we gave her a neutral name, Jessie. And so began my bunny adventure, I've had bunnies ever since! Several years went by and I owned a couple different pet bunnies. I remember reading in books about showing rabbits...I was very interested but didn't know where & how to get started. Luckily, when we moved up to NC in 2001 thanks to the internet-I was able to contact a local breeder named Valerie Harrell who sold me my first pair of pedigreed Holland Lops....Mtn's Phantom II, a black buck and Mtn's Punkin, a broken tort doe. I no longer have anything that goes back to them but I am very grateful that Valerie was able to help me make my dream of showing bunnies come true.
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