Tuesday, October 26, 2010

So cool!

Just wanted to share this neat little story:  I was at Best Buy today, buying the newest Lil Wayne CD...and thru a series of events something really cool happened.
There were 2 other people in line ahead of me, an employee walks over and says, customer service is open if you'd like to check out quicker.  The guy behind me left and went over there but I stayed in line, it was almost my turn when another employee walks up to the register next to us and starts to ring me up when he says "I like your shirt, I have a Holland Lop"  (I was wearing my HLRSC shirt, I dont get too many comments about it so I was sort of surprised) lol   I told him I raised & showed Holland Lops.  He asked, where I was located & I said Leicester....curious, I asked where he got his bunny from.  He says from someone near Weaverville~Hamilton's Hoppin' Lops or something like that....my mouth dropped to the floor and I was like, oh my gawd thats us!  How cool!  He went on to tell me how much he loved his bunny & how the bunny and his dog get along so well....it was great to hear that he was enjoying the bunny he got from us.  That is so awesome!  :)


1 comment:

  1. What a neat story! I'm glad things turned out well for this man and his bunny.
