Sunday, September 12, 2010

Fun at the Fair...

We had a great time at the fair this year....although we started off on the wrong foot! lol  5:30 am we had the car packed, bunnies and kids ready to go, I jumped in and the car & it wouldnt start!  Turns out the battery went dead, so my husband who had just left for work a few minutes beforehand came back home and gave us a jump.  We made it to the fair with no other problems, although I spent the whole day worrying that the car probably wouldnt start again when we were ready to leave....we brought the jumper cables just in case, but it turns out we didnt need them~thank goodness! lol

Here's our show results:
Brendan's Nethies...
Yogi won BOB
Audi won BOS
Yogi went on to win Best In Show!!!

My Hollands (I only ended up taking Minnie, and she was in the middle of a molt)
She placed 1st SJD in show A and ended up winning BOS in
show B.....YAY Minnie!!!  :)

Over all, it was a great show  :)


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

No visitors...

As of right now, we are closing the rabbitry to visitors.....if you would like to pick up a rabbit, arrangements can be made to meet at a location nearby.   With the big move, the rabbitry is very disorganized at the moment.  I'd like to wait until things get moved in at the new place, and things get back to normal again.

Also, pretty soon I may not have access to my email....we still need to call and get the internet service switched over to the new house.  And knowing how things go with AT&T, it'll probably be a week or so before it gets turned on!  >.<

So if you dont hear from me.....thats why! lol
