Friday, October 21, 2011

baby Hollands ♥

I'd like to introduce Hamilton's Tunechi....a little buck out of Spring Lake Kelly & LOV's Maestro.  I hate to admit it but I was a little late putting in a nestbox for Kelly and found him born on the wire, I warmed him up and made a nest and plucked extra fur from Kelly....he's been doing great, fat and sassy ever since.  He just turned 4 weeks old and is the cutest & sweetest little thing in the rabbitry ♥


In other baby news, I bred Kelly's daughter~Nicki Minaj to Dexter....she had 2 torts & 2 blue torts.  The blue torts are pictured on the bottom.  They just turned 2 weeks old.


Monday, October 10, 2011

...Coming Soon!

I am so excited to announce, I will be adding a new herd buck to the rabbitry soon!  :)
He is coming all the way from California, from Brocks Fallen Ear's Rabbitry
His name is GC Brocks Fallen Ears Skippy John, a tort buck.  As soon as I get permission, I will post his picture.....he is absolutely GORGEOUS! ♥

I wanna say:  Thank you Lory-Ann, from Ruby's Rabbits for providing transportation home from the ARBA Convention. 

I cant wait to see my new boy soon!  :)