Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Mountain State Fair

This past Saturday, we attended the bunny show at the Mountain State Fair.  It's been a while since we've been to a show so it was great getting back into the swing of things again....even though I felt a little out of the loop  :P

First, I want to say HUGE congrats to Christopher Lile~from Lile's Lops in Canton NC....he won BOB with Hamilton's Ziggy aka Humprey and BOS with Hamilton's Minnie in the Youth show.  He also did really well his Broken Senior Buck, Smith's Willie & 2 of his homebred junior does, Lile's Isabella & Lile's Candace....that is so awesome Christopher....CONGRATS!!!  :)

Our show results, Brendan won BOB with Yogi and BOS with Audi.  Aubrey showed Sunshine, her little REW doe at the fair.  This was Aubrey's first bunny show, I think she had fun even though Sunshine was the only REW! lol  Anyhow, she came home with two 1st place ribbons which made her smile  :) 

Here are some pics from the show....enjoy  :)

Aubrey & Sunshine ♥

This is a pic of the showroom & youth table in the background


Above are 2 pics of Aubrey at the show table...


And here are some random animal pics from the Fair

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the congrats Mrs. Hamilton!!!
    I have your bunnies to thank for the wins!! You have great rabbits :) I can't wait to get more!
