Saturday, June 26, 2010

Bunny Talk

Sure, bunnies can't really talk but they sure have cute ways of telling what they want or need.....for example, when I go out to feed & water if someones out of water they start rattling the water bottle nozzle as if to say:  Hey, I need some water! lol   I've got one rabbit that is such a character, her name is Holly....when its feeding time, she knows it and if you watch her closely she will look at you and hop over to the food bowl, put her head in it and hops back over and look at you again....and if you've already fed her neighbor, she'll look over there and then look back at you and stick her head in the bowl.  lol
Another thing Holly did the other night,  I was sleeping downstairs on the otherside of the rabbit room wall and I could hear someone digging and digging away at the cage....which doesnt usually happen so of course it caught my attention.  I went in the bunny room and found out it was Holly, and guess what she was trying to tell me this time??  I forgot to put in her nestbox, she was supposed to be due the next day and with it being summer and all the kids home from school, I've totally lost track of what day it was!  >.< 
But thanks to Holly's reminder, I was able to get the nestbox in on time and she had a litter of babies last night  :)


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