Monday, June 7, 2010

On baby watch tonight....

As I write this, I am sitting in the basement~the indoor part of the rabbitry.....watching Spazz plucking fur!  I'm trying to keep a close eye on her, to make sure things go okay.  Last time, Spazz had 2 babies~one was dead on the wire and the other one, I found freshly born but not breathing.  With a little work, I was able to get the little baby to breathe....he is known as our "miracle baby"  After he was born, I went ahead and rebred Spazz and the little miracle baby was fostered to one of my Holland Lops.  He is doing great, by the way  :)
This time, I made sure to breed a couple other Does the same time as Spazz, but neither of them took :/
So, we'll have to wait and see how things go.  My good friend Nita~from Birdtown Bunnies in Cherokee has a couple Lionhead Does due around the same time, so if we need to foster thats always an option.  I'm kind of curious if Spazz would do a good job by herself....she's kind of hyper and runs really fast in circles but has seemed to calm down abit since having babies last time.

I'll keep you guys posted on how things go....update coming soon so check back!  ;)
*keep your fingers & toes crossed for some live babies!


Spazz had 5 babies total, 2 were DOA but there are 3 live ones.  Looks like 2 Black Otter & 1 Black.  The 2 DOA's were, 1 Black & 1 Blue.....I tried to revive them but didnt have any luck this time  :/

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