Monday, June 21, 2010

>.< Dogs!

Yesterday our neighbor was putting together a swingset for his young son, they had a friend over that was helping....the friend brought his dog.  We live in a fairly new neighborhood, not many people have fences yet.  Our yard is too big & it would be too expensive too fence in, all the way around.  When we first moved here, we had an incident with loose dogs....I had just recently gotten my first pair of pedigree Holland Lops, and 2 dogs wandered into our yard and came across the bunnies under the deck,  they were jumping up & down barking and snapping at the bottom of the hanging cages.  In the end, after I chased them off, I noticed my Doe named Punkin ended up braking a back leg.  She later had to be put down, because the break was so severe  :(
After that happened, I begged my husband to buy some fencing to go around the the deck to help keep the rabbits safe.  I am VERY protective over my rabbits and freak out anytime I see a dog off leash in the neighborhood and really freak out when I see the stray dogs wandering around, and going thru our yard.  The Animal Control here is pretty much useless!  I've called them several times about the stray dogs, and guess what??~the dogs are STILL here! 

Anyway, back to the neighbor & his friends dog....they werent paying much attention, and his dog wandered right up to the rabbit fence.  I of course freaked out and ran down stairs and stepped outside and stomped my foot and quietly yelled GET! in a mean sort of voice....the kids were up on the deck watching and said, what'd you do....hit that poor thing?? cuz he ran back next door whimpering & whining! lol

I wish more people would be more responsible when it comes to owning dogs.....if you own a dog, keep it in your own yard, dont let it wander!

Sorry for the rant! lol



  1. lol! Glad the bunnies are ok- no worries, I've attacked dogs with brooms and rakes over here when they didn't get the hint that they weren't welcome.
