Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Glad to be back!

We had no internet for almost 1 week....I swear, I thought I was going to die! lol
Thank goodness we're back up & running again, I spent most of the day responding to emails that I missed-Whew! that was a lot of work!  But, I think I've pretty much gotten things caught up now.

This weekend is the NC State convention, we will be leaving Friday after Brendan gets home from school...he's going to show a couple Nethies, and I'm taking a couple Jr bucks-mostly to get comments on.  We clipped nails, tattooed, groomed and checked over each bunny to make sure there were no DQ's.  Tomorrow, I need to clean out the carriers and make sure I have everything ready.
Wish us luck, there is going to be some stiff competition!


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